Wednesday, February 23, 2005

what makes a sausage roll?

At the risk of becoming a Jamie Oliver wanabee, due to overwhelming demand here is a simple recipe for sausage rolls.

Filling. Mix: 500 gm pork and veal, or pork mince, or pork and chicken- or at a pinch beef (or vego substitute).
2 finely grated carrots
1 cup breadcrumbs
1 finely chopped onion
1 tb fresh thyme leaves
4 chopped sage leaves (or other herbs to taste)
3 crushed cloves garlic

Pastry: You can use filo, puff, or flaky (flaky is best cause it makes more mess when you eat).
Roll up the filling in the pastry. Don't make it too thick, or the pastry will burn before the insides cook, but don't make it stingy either. About the thickness of two or three sausages is perfect. You can make long or small rolls.
Bake at 200C for15- 25 minutes, or till light brown- small rolls will take less time to cook. The rolls are best straight from the oven but can be reheated.
Great with tomato sauce or whatever you call it in your neck of the woods.

Get baking America.

Friday, February 18, 2005

moment of madness

In what can only be described as a moment of madness, not once but twice these week we (mostly I) have stuffed ourselves, well OK myself, on sausage rolls. My god they are tasty!
Of course this was purely for scientific reasons and if by some miracle I stop coughing (almost five weeks now!) due to the intake of sausage roll(s) I will be seeking to publish my findings in a medical journal.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

four year old film critic


When asked if he wanted to be my first photo blog posting, Charlie (the four year old film critic) responded in the usual fashion.

Monday, February 07, 2005

why we blog

If you have already visited Guacamole Lane then you'll already know that when she isn't blogging Caron Spector is a second year graduate student at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication in Los Angeles. She is currently embarking on a masters thesis project researching the uses and gratifications of bloggers - basically, why people go to blogs.

As part of her work Caron has set up an a brief (15-20 questions) online survey. Caron would really appreciate your assistance with this project so I encourage you to take part in the survey. It just went public today and will remain open for about one month.