Monday, January 31, 2005

coughing for australia

Last week I had my first day of work sick in ten years. Its not that I don’t ever get sick like normal people I just tend to do it on weekends and holidays. The other thing I rarely do is visit the doctor, but seeing as I was two weeks into a coughing marathon it seemed an appropriate thing to do. The result of seeing a Doctor was that I didn’t have a temperature or any other signs of illness apart from a sleep depriving cough, but hey, have some antibiotics and take two days off work. While your at it take yourself down to the beach go for swim in the ocean. According to the Doc this will be 'very good for me’.

Thanks Doc great idea, I haven’t slept properly for two weeks and the best thing you can offer me besides the standard issue antibiotics is a swim in the ocean. I can image the headlines ‘Coughing attracts shark – bites man on sicky’. How Aussie would that be!

Come to think of it, I’ve never felt less healthy since I decided to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Two days off work, one visit to the doctor, two courses of antibiotics and three highly ineffective cough mixtures later, I’m still here, still coughing and not sleeping, but hey I’m back at work!. I think what I really need is a sausage roll and a very long lie down.

Friday, January 21, 2005

don't panic

In a vain, possibly delusional attempt to open myself up to a more international audience I have altered my profile to feature non-Australian bands in the favourite music category.
Don't panic, I have not abandoned my love of alternative Australian music but rather plan to lure in some international interest and then convert them to listening to what alternative Australia has to offer (no Delta here thank you very much!).
The only exception is The Triffids which remains listed for Lynn. Also by way of explanation you may have noticed that I have listed bands in the favourite book profile, this is simply because I don't tend to read many books (other than bedtime stories). Having said that I am not totally without the capability of reading the odd novel or two when the mood grabs me, its finishing them that I struggle with (sometimes).

Friday, January 14, 2005

bum rejects banana

No this is not another Richard Gere story, but rather a true story as told on a Perth (commercial) radio station.

Trevor (not his real name) was walking with friends in Fremantle when they come upon a homeless person searching through a rubbish bin. Feeling slightly uneasy with this (most likely due to the spoils of commercial radio in his wallet) Trevor simply passed homeless by. Unperturbed by this encounter Trevor went about his business which as will soon become apparent involved a fruit stall (and possibly a latte). Anyhow, on the return trip Trevor (and friends) encountered homeless again, albeit at a different bin. No doubt feeling guilty Trevor offers the homeless person a banana. The homeless persons reply?

“I don’t like bananas”!

This brings me to ponder two things, what has become of the world when a homeless person prefers scraps in a bin over fresh fruit and or are Carnarvon bananas simply overrated?

Thursday, January 13, 2005

sausage rolls banned from office

In an attempt to stay in shape and quite possibly live a little longer, I have suggested that sausage rolls be banned from the Office. While receiving some support for proposing the blacklisted morning tea item, I realise that as the main offender it may only be a matter of time before the once revered Joe’s Bakery sausage rolls call my name. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

in the begining

I guess everything has a beginning so here it is. It has taken some time and much thought to finally start a blog but after stumbling across athousandthings some weeks ago on a totally unrelated exercise the inspiration has at long last been realised!.

This blog is about life, in particular mine and those around me much like the life of the certain person that I have derived its name. It keeps me amused so hopefully you'll be similarly moved?

For anyone interested in what irks me be sure to check out Dear Friends and Enemies and The Pursuit of Happiness for reviews of what I've been listening to, watching and even reading.

Big thanks to Lynn at athousandthings.