office pets
Unlike spiders, fleas, cockroaches and other miscellaneous bugs Sea Monkeys make great office pets. Don't get me wrong, bugs are great but all it takes is one visit from the exterminator and its good bye fellas. Unlike spiders, fleas, cockroaches and other miscellaneous bugs Sea Monkeys are seemingly unaffected by bug spray, they don't bite or nibble on your secret stash of snacks in your bottom draw or even suck blood. The main problem is getting the buggers to hatch!
Tip #1 Don't try and hatch Sea Monkeys from a packet you found at the bottom of your wardrobe!
The key to successful Sea Monkey propagation is get yourself a fresh batch from your friendly neighborhood Toy Store or sea monkey distributor.
Tip #2 Stick to the standard tank version as the 'wank' factor associated with some of the more expensive models is overrated (and not suitable for a work environment) as they may detract from the overall excitement of having sea monkeys in the first place.
Once you have your monkeys at hand its a relatively simple process to hatch and grow them.
Tip #3 Follow the instructions carefully as failure to wait for the heavy metals in your office drinking water to be neutralized by the special monkey formula will result in tears (trust me).
Once they hatch, oh and they will hatch, you can sit and gaze at your office pets in wonderment for days on end.
Tip #4 Don't drink the office water. If Sea Monkeys won't grow in it, then should you really be drinking the stuff?
The best part of having Sea Monkeys as your choice of office pet is they require little if any maintenance, so you have more time for exchanging e-mails with your family and friends. A word of warning though, as tempting as it may seem putting sea monkeys in your work colleagues coffee is not a low calorie substitute for sugar.
Tip # 5 Ball games and sea monkeys are not compatible.
Oh and in between times you might want to do a bit of work occasionally or you might find that you no longer have an office for your pets.